Poetics of Self-Definition and Resistance in Kamla Das

Exploring Kamla Das's Poetry: Resistance and the Search for Autonomy


  • Mr. Salim Hingora


Poetics, Self-Definition, Resistance, Kamla Das, confessional mode, aesthetic of resistance, phallocentric codes, Indian women poets, subjectivity, autonomy, patriarchal prohibitions, free poetic mode, anger, protest, marginalization, femininity, new language of protest, resentment, hurt, oppressor, repressive social set up, poetic images


Known for her confessional mode of writing, Kamla Das' (1934-2009) poetry offers an aesthetic of resistance to the phallocentric codes and conventions. What sets her poetry apart from the other Indian women poets writing in English is the brutal honesty with which she handles the issue of women's search for subjectivity and autonomy in the face of patriarchal prohibitions. Her choice of a free poetic mode instead of regular metrical form suits her tone of anger and protest resulting from the marginalization of women. Hlowever while hitting out at the deeply entrenched patriarchal prejudices, she does not forget her own femininity. Das's individuality lies in evolving a new language of protest. The expression of resentment and hurt in her poetry takes various forms - right from light-hearted mockery of the oppressor to downright denunciation of the repressive social set up to trenchant poetic images to name just a few.




How to Cite

“Poetics of Self-Definition and Resistance in Kamla Das: Exploring Kamla Das’s Poetry: Resistance and the Search for Autonomy”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 237–240, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/9047

How to Cite

“Poetics of Self-Definition and Resistance in Kamla Das: Exploring Kamla Das’s Poetry: Resistance and the Search for Autonomy”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 237–240, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://ignited.in/jasrae/article/view/9047