An Analysis on Recent Technological Developments in Green Chemistry: Biocatalytic Processes

Advancements and Challenges in Industrial Biocatalysis


  • Sudha Vipin Sharma
  • Dr. Sunita Hooda


enzymes, biocatalytic processes, green chemistry, protein biocatalysis, chemical catalysts, industrial applications, sustainability, process efficiency, immobilized enzymes, multidisciplinary approach


Enzymes are the most capable catalysts, offering considerably more focused processes contrasted with chemical catalysts. The quantity of modern applications for enzymes has detonated as of late, principally inferable from advances in protein building innovation and environmental and monetary necessities. In this, we audit late advancement in protein biocatalysis, and talk about the patterns and procedures that are prompting more extensive mechanical compound applications. The difficulties and openings in creating biocatalytic processes are additionally talked about. Enzymes as mechanical biocatalysts offer various points of interest over conventional chemical processes as for supportability and process proficiency. Protein catalysis has been scaled up for business processes in the pharmaceutical, nourishment and refreshment enterprises, albeit further upgrades in dependability and biocatalyst usefulness are required for ideal biocatalytic processes in the vitality area for biofuel creation and in gaseous petrol change. The specialized hindrances related with the execution of immobilized enzymes recommend that a multidisciplinary approach is fundamental for the improvement of immobilized biocatalysts relevant in such modern scale processes. In particular, the cover of specialized aptitude in catalyst immobilization, protein and process designing will characterize the up and coming age of immobilized biocatalysts and the effective scale-up of their initiated processes. This audit talks about how biocatalysis has been effectively conveyed, how protein immobilization can enhance modern processes, and in addition centers around the investigation devices basic for the multi-scale execution of compound immobilization for expanded item yield at most extreme market gainfulness and least calculated weight on the environment and client.




How to Cite

“An Analysis on Recent Technological Developments in Green Chemistry: Biocatalytic Processes: Advancements and Challenges in Industrial Biocatalysis”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 262–275, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“An Analysis on Recent Technological Developments in Green Chemistry: Biocatalytic Processes: Advancements and Challenges in Industrial Biocatalysis”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 262–275, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: