Banking Sector Reforms and Risk Management for Scheduled Commercial Banks in India

Examining Risk Management and Basel III in Indian Banking Sector


  • Prof. Ratikanta Ray
  • Dr. Prakash Divakaran


banking sector reforms, risk management, scheduled commercial banks, India, financial condition, risk, managers, developing economies, global competition, deregulation, innovative products, delivery channels, Basel-II, financial crisis, Basel III, capital, liquidity, supervision, accounting rules, corporate governance


The quick change in financial condition opens the banks to different kinds of risk. The idea of risk and the executives are center of finance related undertaking. The monetary part particularly the banking industry in most developing economies including India is going through a procedure of progress. Rising worldwide challenge, expanding deregulation, presentation of imaginative items and conveyance channels have pushed risk the executives to the front line of the present finance related scene. Capacity to measure the dangers and take suitable position will be the way to progress. This paper endeavors to study about in and out, the significance of risk the executive’s procedure and tosses light on difficulties and openings with respect to usage of Basel-II in Indian Banking Industry. The inability to anticipate finance related emergencies in the twenty first century raises concerns. There is a wide assortment of proof that the most extreme financial emergencies are related with managing an account segment misery and saving finance emergencies result in misfortunes in monetary yield. The target of the Basel III changes is to decrease the likelihood and seriousness of future emergencies. This will include a few expenses emerging from more grounded administrative capital and liquidity prerequisites and progressively serious and meddlesome supervision. In any case, our investigation and that of numerous others has discovered the advantages to society very much surpass the expenses to singular foundations. Basel III is on a very basic level not quite the same as Basel I and Basel II. One focal center is fortifying worldwide capital and liquidity rules (Basel III) with the objective of enhancing the managing an account segment's capacity to assimilate stuns emerging from finance related and monetary pressure. Basel III underlines the requirement for straightforward and similar bookkeeping rules and for upgrades in corporate administration




How to Cite

“Banking Sector Reforms and Risk Management for Scheduled Commercial Banks in India: Examining Risk Management and Basel III in Indian Banking Sector”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 375–385, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Banking Sector Reforms and Risk Management for Scheduled Commercial Banks in India: Examining Risk Management and Basel III in Indian Banking Sector”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 375–385, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: