Review on Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Exploring the Impact and Strategies of Social Media Marketing


  • Navdeep Kochhar
  • Dr. Anand Sharma


social media, marketing tool, technology driven world, social systems administration, retailers, consumers, brands, client focused systems administration, social collaboration, tools and methodologies, communicating with clients, competitive advantage, literature review, retailer's development, marketing strategy, social media research, definition of terms, conceptual framework, virtual brand communities, consumer attitudes and motives, user generated content, viral advertising


In the present technology driven world, social systems administration locales have turned into a road where retailers can stretch out their marketing efforts to a more extensive scope of consumers. Chi (2011) characterizes social media marketing as a connection among brands and consumers, offering a personal channel and cash for client focused systems administration and social collaboration. The tools and methodologies for speaking with clients have changed extraordinarily with the rise of social media in this way, organizations must figure out how to utilize social media in a way that is reliable with their strategy (Mangold and Faulds 2009). This is particularly valid for organizations endeavoring to pick up a competitive advantage. This audit inspects current literature that centers around a retailer's development and utilization of social media as an expansion of their marketing technique. This wonder has just created inside the most recent decade, along these lines social media research has to a great extent concentrated on (1) defining what it is through the clarification of new phrasing and ideas that cosmetics its foundations, and (2) investigating the effect of an organization's integration of social media on purchaser conduct. This paper starts with a clarification of phrasing that characterizes social media marketing, trailed by a discourse of the four primary subjects found inside ebb and flow research studies Virtual Brand Communities, Consumers Attitudes and Motives, User Generated Content, and Viral Advertising.




How to Cite

“Review on Social Media as a Marketing Tool: Exploring the Impact and Strategies of Social Media Marketing”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 402–407, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Review on Social Media as a Marketing Tool: Exploring the Impact and Strategies of Social Media Marketing”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 402–407, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: