Study on the Concept of Civil Society and the Theories of Peace Building and Their Interrelationship

Exploring the Link between Civil Society and Peace Building


  • Sakshi Kadyan


concept of civil society, theories of peace building, interrelationship, human security, weapons of mass destruction, local capacities, US authority, neoliberal values, physical violence, structural violence


Each time we hear the articulation 'peace in our reality', it naturally summons the nonappearance of warfare and inside confusion, and the finish of military or different threats. Since the beginning, incalculable human beings have experienced the scourge of conflict. Naturally they attempted, frequently at huge expenses, to ensure themselves with arranged assets against every single significant threat to their (human) security. The human security idea keeps on posing a potential threat in worldwide policy and peace talk notwithstanding developing questions about the 'adequacy' of its guarantee in a profoundly helpless modern society over-burden with weapons of mass-devastation in the midst of different threats to peace. The reality is the basic of supplanting the prevailing musings about verifying peace. Regardless of repetitive requires an all the more locally attached way to deal with the building of 'local capacities', peace talks today are still to a great extent affected by US authority and neoliberal values. Civil society is the entirety of voices not constrained by the government, representing individual and aggregate interests. Peace building is the way toward evacuating impediments to enduring peace by lessening the open doors for both physical and auxiliary violence. These two ideas are inherently connected in light of the fact that violence inside and between states can be controlled all the more successfully when residents have the ability to settle on choices that balance the coercive forces of government. In this article, we reviewed the concept of civil society and its relationship with peace making.




How to Cite

“Study on the Concept of Civil Society and the Theories of Peace Building and Their Interrelationship: Exploring the Link between Civil Society and Peace Building”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 453–457, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Study on the Concept of Civil Society and the Theories of Peace Building and Their Interrelationship: Exploring the Link between Civil Society and Peace Building”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 453–457, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: