Study on Artificial Intelligence based advanced protected online Payment

Exploring the Factors Affecting the Success of Online Payment Systems


  • Mohammed Kamran Siddiqui
  • Dr. Santosh Kumar Nanda


Artificial Intelligence, advanced protected online Payment, web based payment, Electronic Payment, E-Payment system, interbank, consumer preferences, usability, cost, industry understanding


Web based payment gives the ability of purchasing and selling items, data and administrationson the Internet and other online conditions. In an online payment condition, installments appear as cashtrade in an electronic structure, and are in this way called Electronic Payment. E-Payment framework issecure there ought to be no risk to the client Visa number, savvy card or other individual detail,installment can be completed without contribution of outsider, It makes E installment whenever throughthe web legitimately to the exchange settlement and structure E-payment condition. Considered havebeen done on E-Payment framework .E-Payment framework a necessary piece of electronic payment. Aproductive installments framework lessens the expense of trading merchandise and ventures, and is keyto the working of the interbank, cash, and capital markets. Questions are identified with E-Paymentframework in which given alternatives are Agree, Disagree, Strongly deviate, and strongly concur,Neutral. After investigation and correlation of different methods of electronic installment frameworks, itis uncovered that it is very troublesome, if certainly feasible, to propose what installment framework isideal. A few frameworks are very comparative, and contrast just in some minor subtleties. In this mannerthere are number of components which influence the use of online payment installment frameworks.Among all these client base is most significant achievement of online payment installment frameworksadditionally relies upon shopper inclinations, convenience, cost, industry understanding, approval,security, validation, non-refutability, openness and unwavering quality and namelessness and openarrangement




How to Cite

“Study on Artificial Intelligence based advanced protected online Payment: Exploring the Factors Affecting the Success of Online Payment Systems”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 984–988, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available:

How to Cite

“Study on Artificial Intelligence based advanced protected online Payment: Exploring the Factors Affecting the Success of Online Payment Systems”, JASRAE, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 984–988, Nov. 2018, Accessed: Jul. 08, 2024. [Online]. Available: