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Giriraj Sharma

Dr. Dileep Kumar Sharma


When it comes to the retail industry, having low wages has a negative impact not only on the contentment of workers but also on the turnover rates. If a leader wants their colleagues to experience higher levels of motivation and fulfillment in their work, it is very necessary for them to have an effective leadership style. The degree of employee happiness at a variety of retail enterprises in Slough, Jaipur was the focus of this research project, which studied the link between transactional and transformational leadership styles and that level of satisfaction. The updated questionnaire was sent to the staff members working at the various retail establishments. The outcomes of the research indicate that the style of leadership that is transactional has very little of an effect on work satisfaction, but the kind of leadership that is transformational has a large impact on job satisfaction. Because of this, one might claim that the retail industry in Slough is one of the locations that would gain the most from the use of the transformational leadership strategy.


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