A Brief

Ignited Minds Journals presents an opportunity for third party journals to get listed with us and to receive ‘Global Exposure & Recognition’ of your journals through our efforts. Different academic publishers are invited to avail ‘FREE’ listing of their journals on our website to have global positioning of journal with different Universities’ Libraries & Corporate, globally. Facilities for Online Journal Management & Marketing are available for both online and print journals, along with an option for print journals to move online in future. The successful integration of editorial, production, and marketing efforts is the ‘USP’ of Ignited Minds Journals over others.



Subject: All type of journals can be considered, irrespective of disciplined and areas covered;

Types of Resource: Articles must be peer reviewed;

Level:the target group for included journals can be anyone of these as: researchers & students, academicians, private or public sector professionals, entrepreneurs, corporate, societies, government….and many more; but focus must be knowledge dissemination;

Content:a substantive part of the journal should consist of research papers. All content should be available in full text;

Language:Journals having English as a primary language are only listed with us.


  • Full text access is possible only through subscriptions;
  • No Registration Fees for Journal Managers, Editors, Section Editors, Associate Editors, Copy Editors, Layout Editors, Proof Readers, Subscription Managers, Reviewers, Readers (Subscribers and Individuals), and Authors.


For a journal to be included it should exercise quality control on submitted papers through an editor, editorial board and / or a peer-review system.


The journal should have an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number, for information see

Terms & Conditions


  • At least 5 articles must have been published before you suggest a journal;
  • Please do not send print issues of journals to us. Send us the soft copies of all your articles published in Issue along with ‘Copyright Undertakings’ that you must have taken from authors before accepting the articles for publication. You need to certify all those ‘Copyright Undertakings’ on letter pad, and send it in original along with other materials;
  • In case, you agreed to list your journal with us, reviewing and publishing of articles will be done on mutual basis. 50% of articles received and reviewed by Ignited Minds Journals will be published within the journal;
  • We do not charge processing fees;
  • You will not demand any share from the subscription fees received by Ignited Minds Journals as a result of our marketing efforts in promoting your journal;
  • We don't include journals that have an embargo period.

submit with us through Email : ignitedmoffice@gmail.com