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Pooja Menghani

Dr. Sangeeta Jain

Dr. Vivek Sharma


In this case, the study seeks to design a reliable and dependable job satisfaction questionnaire specific to the IT employees. It is important to acknowledge that the context of this study is rather special, and so our ultimate objective is to develop a credible & reliable tool for assessing JS in the IT workforce. The scale development process involved multiple steps: The first step involves identifying the goal of the assessment and the domain, the second is the literature search and evaluation of the available instruments, the third step is idea generation and item development, and final step is choosing the proper response format. The initial item pool in this study had first, been subjected to content validity through the view of the experts, secondly faces pilot testing which was done with a small sample of IT professionals. The validity of the scale was checked through the convergent validity and the discriminant validity test while the internal consistency estimate was checked through Cronbach alpha test. Therefore, the final scale of 24 items again yielded desirable psychometric properties with Cronbach’s alpha of 0. A total of 89, signifying acceptable internal consistency, and the validity coefficients were also satisfactory, therefore, this tool can form the basis of future research and practice special to IT organisations.


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