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Koche Kemal


Cloud computing is all about implementing processes online instead inour local gadgets. Data and process could be done online without the need ofany local software or client. It refers to application delivered as a serviceover the internet (SaaS), the hardware and system software in the data centersthat provide those services (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Thispaper discusses on what cloud computing is all about, itsvarious deliverymodels, its advantages and disadvantages. The heart of the paper contains theidea which is been proposed with the motive of promoting e-Learing to thestudent community in a much easier way (Community cloud computing). In short,the introduction of e-learning through Cloud Computing. This is then furthermade hardware simplex using wireless technology. In the above application SaaSdelivery model is used. Many companies and educational institutes abroad arejust beginning to realize the benefits of cloud computing applications thathave traditionally required concurrent site licensing which is a type ofsoftware license that allows the user to install a software package in severalcomputers at a particular site or facility. Depending on the amount of pricepaid, the license may be unlimited or may limit simultaneous access to acertain number of users, installation and subsistence. Research community hasbelieved that an e-learning ecosystem is the next generation e-learning but hasfaced challenges in optimizing resource allocations, dealing with dynamicdemands on getting information and knowledge anywhere and anytime, handlingrapid storage growth requirements, cost controlling and greater flexibility.Additionally, e-learning ecosystems need to improve its infrastructure, whichcan devote the required computation and storage resources for elearningecosystems. Cloud computing technologies although in their early stages, havemanaged to change the way applications are going to be developed and accessed.These technologies are aimed at running applications as services over theinternet on a flexible infrastructure. Cloud computing providesa low cost solution to academic institutions for their researchers, faculty andstudents. This setup provides an additional benefit because all browsers basedapplications can also be accessed through mobile devices in addition to beingavailable to a variety of laptop and desk top computers, provided internetaccess is available. In this paper we combined various technologies to achievethis goal. We present an interactive tool that can be used for scienceeducation; integration between cloud computing as a platform and web 2.0 arepresented as a solution for building effective e-learning ecosystem.


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