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M. S. Dawngliana Hnamte



The villages of Bawngva andDarlak are situated on the western side of Mamit District; Mizoram, on the bankof the river Teirei between the latitude 23o.52’ to 24o.30’ north and thelongitude 90o.22’ to 92o.30’ east[1]. These villages are passedthrough by the National Highway No.44A from Tripura, about 20 kms and 24 kmsAway from the District Headquarters, Mamit respectively. [1]Agricultural Finance Corporation Limited, Teirei Watershed Management Project –Mizoram, Part I, North Eastern Council, Shillong, 1984, P-16, and se in Singh,Y. Nilachandra, Children Economics of Tuikuk Community in Mizoram with SpecialReference to Bawngva and Darlak Villages of Mamit District, Mizoram , Journalof North – East India Council for Social Science Research, Shillong, 2005, vol.29 (1)


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