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Ratnasree Choudhury


Women empowerment is an essential tool to bring about changes in theirsocio-economic condition. Through their empowerment women gain greater share ofcontrol over resources-material, human and intellectual such as knowledge,information, ideas and financial resources involving access to money andcontrol over decision making in the home, community, society and nation. Theworld is in the midst of a knowledge revolution, complemented by opening up ofentirely new vistas in communication technologies. Recent developments in thefields of information and communication technology are indeed revolutionary innature. Information has become the chief determinant of the progress ofnations, communities and individual. There is potential for ICTs to eliminategender inequality and to empower women in society. There is growing body ofevidence on the benefits of ICT for women’s empowerment, through increasingtheir access to health, nutrition, education and other human developmentopportunities, such as political participation. Information and Communication Technologiesare diverse set of technical tools and resources to create, disseminate, store,brings value addition and manages information. The ICT sector consists ofsegments as diverse as telecommunications, television and radio broadcasting,computer hardware, software and services and electronic media, for example, theinternet and electronic mail.


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