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Garima Gupta


To direct the exam for thousand people offline process have severalproblems, to stay away from those problems with gone for the process onlineexam is a field that is very prevalent and made numerous security assurances.Even however it neglects to control cheating, online exams have not been widelyadopted well, however online education is adopted and utilizing everywherethroughout the world without any security issues. Education learning fromonline process not have any problem and don't aggravate to any one, throughonline test arrangement we need to control such a large number of things hereour work proposes an enhanced secure filled online exam management environmentmediated by gathering cryptography techniques utilizing remote monitoring andcontrol of ports and data. The target domain of this is online exams for any subject's contestsin any level of study, and exams in online university courses with students indifferent remote areas. An easy answer for the issue of security and cheatingfor online exams and uses an enhanced Security Control system in the OnlineExam (Secone) which is based on gathering cryptography with an e-monitoringscheme. This paper likewise determines the correlation effects of existingsystem, furthermore the proposed processes involved in taking care of failures.


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