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Rubina Khan


This paper presentsdifferent parallel implementations of Google's PageRank algorithm. The purposeis to compare different methods for computing PageRank on large domains of theWeb. The iterative algorithms used are the Power method and the Arnoldi method. We have implemented thesealgorithms in a parallel environment and created a basic Web crawler to gathertest data. Tests have then been carried out with the different algorithms usingvarious test data. In this article, we introduce the Google’s method forquality ranking of web page in a formal mathematical format, use the poweriteration to improve the PageRank, and also discuss the effect of different q to the PageRank, as well as how aPageRank will be changed if more links are added to one page or removed fromsome pages. Web is expending day byday and people generally rely on search engine to explore the web. In such ascenario it is the duty of service provider to provide proper, relevant andquality information to the internet user against their query submitted to thesearch engine. It is a challenge for service provider to provide proper,relevant and quality information to the internet user by using the web pagecontents and hyperlink between the web pages. This paper deals with analysisand comparison of web page ranking algorithms based on various parameter tofind out their advantages and limitations for the ranking of the web pages.Based on the analysis of different web page ranking algorithms, a comparativestudy is done to find out their relative strengths and limitations to find outthe further scope of research in web page ranking algorithm.


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