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Dr. Shailendra Singh Sikarwar

Mahesh Bansal


In the coming future, a pervasive computingEnvironment can be predictable based on the current advancements in computingand Communication technologies. Next generation of Mobile Communications willconsist of both prominent Infrastructures Wireless Networks and novel Infrastructureless Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET s). The particular features of MANET getthese technology huge opportunities together with rigorous dispute. This paperillustrates the essential issues of Ad hoc Networking by giving its associatedResearch background consisting of the ideas, features, condition, andapplications of MANET. Particular concentration is given to Network layerRouting method of MANET and main Research issues consist of fresh X-castRouting Algorithms, Security & consistency methods, QoS model, and mechanismsfor networking with outside IP Networks. Some of the technical disputes MANETcause are as well presented, based on which the paper show few of the mainResearch issues for future work in Ad hoc Networking technology. The introduction of pervasive computing in the last decade has madecontent adaptation an important research focus. Many content adaptationapproaches have been proposed for pervasive computing environments. They are,however, fully or partially centralized which makes them unsuitable to a dynamicpervasive environment such as a Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET). In this paper,we propose ConAMi, a Collaboration-Based Content Adaptation Middleware, forthis type of environment. In this middleware, content adaptation is performedby the collaboration between co-located devices and is done by composingavailable services in the vicinity. The middleware implements a novel servicecomposition algorithm which takes the dynamicity of services intoconsideration.


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