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Mrs. Sushma


Lifestyle factors related to obesity, eating behavior,and physical activity play a major role in the prevention and treatment of type2 diabetes. In recent years, there has been progress in the development ofbehavioral strategies to modify these lifestyle behaviors. Further research,however, is clearly needed, because the rates of obesity in our country areescalating, and changing behavior for the long term has proven to be verydifficult. This review article, which grew out of a National Institute ofDiabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases conference on behavioral scienceresearch in diabetes, identifies four key topics related to obesity andphysical activity that should be given high priority in future researchefforts: 1) environmentalfactors related to obesity, eating, and physical activity; 2) adoption and maintenance ofhealthful eating, physical activity, and weight; 3) etiology of eating and physical activity; and 4) multiple behavior changes. Thisreview article discusses the significance of each of these four topics, brieflyreviews prior research in each area, identifies barriers to progress, and makesspecific research recommendations. Objective Behavioral interventions targeting“free-living” physical activity (PA) and exercise that produce long-termglycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes are warranted. However, littleis known about how clinical teams should support adults with type 2 diabetes toachieve and sustain a physically active lifestyle.


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