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Mrs. Vaishpayan


Uncontrolled growth ofthe urban population in developing countries in recent years has made solidwaste management an important issue, so the system for collection of solidwaste thus constitutes an important component of an effective solid wastemanagement system. A GIS optimal routingmodel was designed for efficient collection path for municipal solid waste tominimum time, labor, distance efficient collection paths for the solid wastes. Waste collection andtransport (WC&T) constitutes a large fraction of the total municipal solidwaste (MSW) management costs worldwide. In Greece currently this may accountfor 70-100% of the total MSW costs, most of it being spent on salaries andfuel. It is therefore crucial to improve the WC&T system through routingoptimisation. Geographic Information System (GIS) technology provides anadvanced modelling framework for decision makers in order to analyse andsimulate various spatial waste management problems, including waste collection.In this study a methodology for the optimisation of the waste collection andtransport system, based on GIS, was developed. Geographic InformationSystem (GIS) technology provides an advanced modelling framework for decisionmakers in order to analyze and simulate various spatial problems, includingvarious waste management aspects.


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