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Syed Ahad Murtaza Alvi


Electronic commerce andits related activities over the internet can be the engines that improvedomestic economic well-being through liberalization of domestic services, morerapid integration into globalization of production, and leap-frogging ofavailable technology. Since electronic commerce integrates the domestic and globalmarkets from its very inception, negotiating on trade issues related toelectronic commerce will, even more than trade negotiations have in the past,demand self-inspection of key domestic policies, particularly intelecommunications, financial services, and distribution and delivery. Technical aspects ofelectronic commerce, its complexity and the characteristic of networkexternalities should change the way that developing countries approach theexternal negotiating process. Differingcharacteristics of local environments, both infrastructural and socio-economic,have created a significant level of variation in the acceptance and growth ofe-commerce in different regions of the world. The e-commerce hasaffected the global economy in many different ways. First of all, it hasaffected the information technology, and all the economic sectors, all andabove e-commerce has enhanced the productivity growth worldwide and here we aregoing to discuss this impact, they are able to identify the number of qualifiedpeople needed to advance their country’s information economy or to calculatethe amount of investments needed to provide business with access to theinternet. Some countries arealready benefiting from the results, they are now in apposition to benchmarktheir economies with competitors internationally and there are many ways toaccelerate the growth of productivity but the reason for this is rathercontroversial. Banks and financial services companies in the developingcountries will need to adopt online payment system, to obtain e-trade financeand equity investment, tourism and its internet incarnation is regularly citedas one of the fastest growing ecommerce sectors. This paper is to show theobstacle issues, which must be addressed and resolved so as to enabledeveloping countries to take in the evolving digital world economy. Thepresentation of various obstacles should enable to obtain practical advice forreplication or adaptation in developing countries. By the same token,industry in developing countries should be encouraged to innovate hardware andsoftware better towards the needs and circumstances of developing countries.Governments in developing countries should be made aware of the need forcreating a suitable and enabling environment for e-commerce.


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