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Preeti Singh


Guerrilla marketing is anunconventional and low cost marketing strategy that achieves significant anddistinctive effects compared with traditional marketing strategies. Undoubtedlyit is successful in practical applications, still new, fresh and not asexplicitly explored academically as other marketing methods. The researchinvestigates the guerrilla marketing strategy as an important, creative,innovative technique and low cost in marketing process. It presents an approachof Guerrilla marketing; definition, principals, advantages and its role toenrich the Aesthetic and functional values of brand. The researcher believesthat the benefit from Guerrilla marketing strategies will contribute torevitalize the advertising industry and commercial movement in the Indianmarket, which will activate the Indian economy. The paper serves to explore the uses and needs for the guerillamarketing approach and how they are superior and different from the traditionalmarketing tactics. The associated marketing techniques of innovative marketingin the new era of cost cutting but bearing maximum impact on the consumer willalso be highlighted. While this paper also would try and understand theterminology, its literature, application to the small business andprofitability.


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