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Anurag Chandra

Dr. S. S. Chauhan


The retail market in Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida is split in different of zone. Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida have the most noteworthy convergence of malls in the city representing roughly 48% of the total sorted out retail stock. The micro market has the most noteworthy composed stock, as well as the most noteworthy rate of prime speculation review malls, in this way advocating its fame among retailers and purchasers alike. A large portion of these prime advancements take after the rent just operation model and utilize methodologies such effective mall management, bolster offices and also adaptable rent understandings that enable them to work in a capable way. Popular strategies, for example, occasional topics, pop up stores; imaginative techniques to dispatch products and customer engagement via social media are also being followed to ensure better visibility and higher footfalls.


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