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Neelam Rani


The research proposes to test the impact of brand personality on brandattitude and brand commitment in two product categories. For both categories,brand personality has a direct and large impact on attitude towards the brand.It has a moderate impact on brand commitment for one product category, which isprobably the most suited for self-expression purposes. A test of the researchmodel via SEM shows that attitude towards the brand is a mediator between brandpersonality and brand commitment. Consumer involvement towards the productcategory moderates relationships between brand personality and brandcommitment. Our findings show thatthe four dimensions of brand personality, including sincerity, competence,excitement, and sophistication, have positive impacts on consumer satisfaction,which further increases consumers’ loyalty toward brands. We provide new insight on how consumers’ brand loyalty develops fromthe perspective of brand personality. This research assesses the relativeimpact of brand personality dimensions and perceived marketing actions on brandequity formation. The relative impact of these two elements may vary byconsumer segment, so the authors apply a finite mixture–partial least squaresprocedure to analyse the data.


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