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Charles R.

Dr. P. Selva Kumar


This paper discussesapproaches and environments for carrying out analytics on Clouds for Big Dataapplications. It revolves around four important areas of analytics and BigData, namely (i) data management and supporting architectures; (ii) modeldevelopment and scoring; (iii) visualization and user interaction; and (iv)business models. The amount of data that is traveling across the internet today, notonly that is large, but is complex as well. Companies, institutions, healthcaresystem etc., all of them use piles of data which are further used for creatingreports in order to ensure continuity regarding the services that they have tooffer. The process behind the results that these entities requests represents achallenge for software developers and companies that provide IT infrastructure.The challenge is how to manipulate an impressive volume of data that has to besecurely delivered through the internet and reach its destination intact. Thispaper treats the challenges that Big Data creates.


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