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Chinmay Panda


HR practices were conceptualized in terms of HRM.A number of aspectsmust be considered in HR practices. The present study was designed to examinein details the existing HR practices at Mahindra 2 Wheelers. Data were collectedfrom 100 workers. The present research have sound reliable information at thegrass root level as a basis of generalization of what its practices means inMahindra 2 Wheelers context. The results have showed that workers weredis-satisfied with annual income, welfare facilities, working conditions etc.The disparity between payments of wages was based on the efficiency andexperiences of workers. The results are discussed in light of HR practices andmost of aspects having the positive impact on permanent workers as perefficiency and experiency. The implications of this present research study havedirectly positive impact on employees and indirectly for societies.


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