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Umesh Lilhore

Dr. Santosh Kumar


Cloud computing is widelyused technology. Day by day numbers of cloud users are getting increase. Theseusers are always demanding better performance. It is always challenging forresearchers to improve the Performance of cloud computing due to varioussensitive issues. Performance of cloud computing depends on various factorssuch as correct load distribution by load balancer, network performance, cloudinfrastructure performance, geographical contents, application performance andeffect of these parameters on each other. Cloud serves different services suchas PaS, SaS and IaS to cloud user on pay and use basis. A cloud user alwaysdemands for better network performance and high speed for execution of heavyapplications. It requires better network performance, which are not in sole ofcloud service providers. To improve the performance of cloud system at hardwareand software level, optimization techniques are required. Performanceimprovements by hardware level changes are very costly and not optimistic. Sosoftware level changes are much better economically as well as technically. Inthis research paper we are presenting analysis of various performance threadsin cloud computing and also shows comparison of various cloud management andperformance measuring tools.


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