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Neha Shivani


This paper discussed the impact of paid and unpaid womenworkers in our society and its impact on country’s economy. The differentiationbetween paid and unpaid workers has been perceived in various studies in thepast. This study was aimed to establish a reasonable estimate of women’scontribution toward paid and unpaid workers. In the literature review fouraspects  have been discussed i.e.,approach of unpaid System of National Accounts (SNA); differentiation betweenSNA and Non-SNA production activities; concept of care economy and Role ofwomen towards family work, and it’s role in economy. This study is target for women workers only. Primary datahad been gathered from survey among women in Urban and Rural Setting (N=100).While more women in urban setting were working as paid workers, their contributionto economy was not found higher in comparison to unpaid workers. The findingsreveal that most of the women are unaware of their contribution towardseconomics in country. Finally, Quantification of unpaid activities haverevealed that in both rural and urban setting, the women unpaid worker havefinancial contribution.


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