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Porus Pervez Dalal


The basic principles of crew management it is possible to understand how a good ship can function well. Examining different subjects of the management to align a shipping company strategy toward a successful crew as the crew is the most important asset of the company. Thoroughly understand the key functions in ship management and the responsibilities in each area i.e commercial, operational, technical, and crewing, bunkers, finance & administration. Understand the different types of organisation structure from all functions in-house, part contracted or fully contracted out. Thoroughly understand the structure and essential components of a ship management contract. Crew management as a key component of efficiency and operating costs including the role of the Master. Understand the essential elements of crew costs; basic wages, overtime, allowances, leave, social costs. Understand the relationship between flag crew nationality, manning levels and the recruitment of officers and ratings. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using crewing agencies. Understand Standards of Training, Certification & Watch keeping (STCW) regulations. Be aware of International Labour Organisation (ILO), International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) regulations and understand their potential intervention on non-national flagged vessels.


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