Welfare Activities and Employee’s Satisfaction Exploring the Link Between Welfare Activities and Job Satisfaction in the Pharmaceutical Industry
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Various pharmaceutical businesses' workers' feelings about their jobs are the focus of thisresearch. Worker job satisfaction elements are examined in relation to their influence on the overallsatisfaction of workers as a whole. The study also examines the effects of medication type, workexperience, age, and sex variations on perceptions regarding job satisfaction. The findings reveal thatcompensation, efficiency in work, fringe supervision, and co-worker relations are the most significantelements in job happiness. Employees in the pharmaceutical industry are generally happy with their jobs.The questionnaires were employed as a convenient sample approach to gather the essential data. The 51garment factories in and around Bangalore, Karnataka, provided 250 legitimate replies. After excluding 26unreliable answers, we had just 224 valid replies left. The study will utilise a quantitative approach toexamine the relationship between job satisfaction and employee well-being. There have been severalwelfare reforms that have been carried out by the government. In addition, the labour unions assistworkers in obtaining the necessary welfare benefits. Benefits for workers are an absolute need for anybusiness. From one company to the next, it might differ greatly.
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