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Vivek Chaturvedi

Dr. Naval Singh


The effectiveness of buying consumer intentions in social media advertisements, Consumersattitudes regarding social media advertising, their desire to participate in eWOM activities, their intent tovisit company websites, and their purchase intents are all intertwined in this study's suggested model,which is based on TAM theory and evaluated using CFA and SEM. According to a research, consumers'attitudes regarding social media advertising have a major influence on their intentions to engage ineWOM, visit company websites, and purchase products and services. Purchase intentions are stronglyinfluenced by both the desire to participate in online word-of-mouth marketing (eWOM) and the desire togo to the websites of certain firms. Gender has been discovered to play a major role in the relationshipbetween consumers' attitudes regarding social media advertising and their intentions to engage ineWOM behaviors and to visit the websites of firms to make purchases. Age does not appear to have arole in the relationship between consumers' attitudes regarding social media advertising and theirintents to visit the websites of firms.


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