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Sharmila Singh

Dr. Naval Singh


Job satisfaction is a journey, not a destination. Job satisfaction and employee performance havea complicated relationship. Employee recognition, monetary awards, social rewards, and other variablescan all contribute to job satisfaction, which can lead to greater and better job performance. In today'shighly competitive corporate environment, client satisfaction is a critical component of success.Employees from the private sector who join banks do so with full awareness of the immense strain they willbe under. The fact that they are aware of the stress that comes with working in the private sector causesthem to psychologically prepare before coming to work here. This study is to determine the degree of jobsatisfaction and the elements that contribute to it among operational bank personnel in both public andprivate sector banks. On the one hand, the factors, and on the other, it establishes a link between thevariablesfactors studied and work satisfaction.


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