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Rajender Tiwari

Dr. Naval Singh


Merger and acquisition activity in India is booming, the percentage of cross-border transactionshas risen significantly. Flow of FDI’s is greatly encouraged with enactment of new laws and tweaking ofexisting policies. In the IT sector phenomenal growth of cross-border transactions is recorded. Foreignonline firms are focusing on companies in the digital space to gain access to skilled talent and aburgeoning market. However there are factors that need to be ascertained in order to fine-tune theecosystem to be more attractive to the investor community. What emerges from these facts is that thecountry’s regulatory regime has to be thoroughly reviewed in order to devise measures to fine-tune itoptimally for the growth and prosperity of the country’s IT sector. The two biggest obstacles in the wayof completing a merger or an amalgamation remains the often long drawn procedure required for thesanction of a scheme of arrangement and achieving a culture synergy between the combining entities.


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