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Kunal Chawla

Yash Raj Gupta

Tushar Tyagi

Aditya Jangra


Online meeting platforms are used widely in today’s era of Digital India. These meetingplatforms are used in providing online education, online dating and online business meetings, etc. Duringthe last decade, there is quite a development in online meeting methods. At present the meetingapplications solve almost everything be it sharing screen, muting mic, disabling your camera, andchanging the background but still they sometimes become boring. This article presents ways to makemeeting applications more interesting using Avatar formation, interacting using Avatar, and providing handgesture controls to increase and decrease the volume of the meeting platform.Different deep learning techniques are required to make different avatars according to different people.Different Machine learning and Computer Vision techniques are used such as face recognition forextracting the features from the face to directly apply them to the Avatar. These methods and features arean add-on to the existing Meeting Applications, which makes them more interactive.


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