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Dr. Rubina Parvin


Now a days employee motivation is very important for the development of the organization andto achieve goals. Previously we used to think that only money can motivate. But after researching we foundit that not only money but also other things also play a vital role.e.g- good relationships among themselves and upper authority, friendly and healthy environment, fringebenefits, oppourtunity of getting free schooling and medical benefits etc.Employee Motivation will help the employees to stick with the organization and love for the organization,which will automatically give profits to the organization and there will be less absentism, less frustration,which will help both employer and employees to build their career.Before we used to think that motivation is only done by incentives. But later many experts ofmanagement told that with incentives, mental satisfaction, friendly environment is also needed. Manyorganizations motivates the employee by giving e.g. – schooling facilities for their kids, medical benefitsetc. Human relation and human behaviour is also linked with Employee Motivation.


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