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Dr. Ruchi Arora


It's an approved fact that if a business wants to survive in the long run, it has to keep itselfupdated. Laggers are left behind when they stick to rigid traditional methods and are not able to keepthemselves going with the trends. With the advancement in technology, there is a shift from the traditionalmarketing strategies to digital marketing. There are various advantages associated with digital advertisingas compared to traditional methods of advertising the product or a service such as less cost, helps inbuilding customer base across the globe, boosting online sales and helps in growing brand loyalty. Thegoal of the research study is to analyze the impact of e- advertising on the buying decision behavior of theconsumer. With the advancement in technology and increase in the number of people engaged on socialmedia and other platforms as well as a shift in their preferences to buy online are important crucialreasons why no. of enterprises are taking a shift towards digital advertising. The secondary objective ofthe research is to analyze the consumer psychology and purchasing behavior while making onlinepurchases. The results of the findings depict that a positive change in the behavior of the consumer isseen via adopting digital advertising tools. The sales surely get a boost in the long run but this can notonly be attributable to only one factor but digital marketing strategies have an important role to play inthis regard. Thus the conclusion can be drawn from this study is that marketers need to be updated withthe technology and trends if they want to survive in the long run.


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