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Yogesh Kumar

Dr. Gaurav Khandelwal


Deep learning technologies have gained a great deal of interest in recent months for demonstrating material removal capabilities in a variety of separation, categorization, as well as other machine vision activities. The majority of these deep networks are built employing convolution or completely convolution structures. Our suggested Dynamic and Static gestures System guided by a hand gesture high dimensional data methodology We use a snapshot of a human's thoracic spine to determine the person's depth and the size of the space around his or her hands. In this research, we provide a novel object-based deep-learning framework for semantic segmentation of extremely high-resolution satellite data. In specifically, we leverage object-based prior record by augmenting a fully convolutional neural network's training strategy with an anisotropic diffusion data pre-processing phase and an additional loss term. The goal of this restricted framework is to ensure that similar visual data is assigned to the same semantic class. Here, we employ intermediate steps based on traditional image processing techniques to aid in the resolution of the subsequent problem of classification, detection, or segmentation. Research shows that adding pre- and post-processing steps to a deep learning pipeline can boost model performance over using only the network. Recent advances in UQ algorithms used for deep learning are analysed, and their potential for use in relevance feedback is addressed. It also emphasizes basic research difficulties and directions linked with UQ. Quantifiably, man-made classes with more precise geometry, such as buildings, benefited the most from our strategy, particularly along object borders, indicating the developed approach's enormous potential. The purpose of this paper is to offer an overview of the approaches used inside deep learning frameworks to either appropriately prepare the input (pre-processing) or enhance the outcomes of the network output (post-processing), with an emphasis on digital pathology image analysis.


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