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Prof. Ar. Amol Madhav Bapat

Dr. Indrajit Nivasrao Yadav


The purpose of this study is to analyse and assess the housing policies put in place by the different state governments in India. The supply of housing is heavily influenced by governmental policies & initiatives, notwithstanding the importance of this sector to the economy. The responsibility for addressing India's acute housing crisis—a crisis that affects 18 million people—is on the individual state governments. There needs to be a swift response because the nation is still facing a major difficulty with access to excellent housing. In India, many different tactics have been explored, some of which have been successful and others ineffective. In India, every state has developed its housing policies because this is the responsibility of the individual states' governments. Government housing programs in India began with five-year plans. Understanding the importance of this field, the research examines how state governments have responded to the varied & ever-changing housing demands of their citizens.


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