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Bhrigu Singh Parihar

Dr. A. P. Singh

Dr. Vivek Kumar Yadav


This research aims to provide insight into the potential advantages of Neem and Chirata over traditional antibiotics. This will be accomplished by comprehensive evaluations of safety profiles, investigations into therapy duration, and dose selection. An analysis of the effectiveness of several medicinal and botanical extracts, including Neem and Chirata, in the therapeutic management of Salmonella typhi infections. This study aims to meticulously examine the safety and effectiveness of various medications with a particular focus on their impact on S. typhi. Once performed, mechanistic research will provide light on the specific antimicrobial mechanisms that these medications employ. The abstract summarizes the study's objectives, which include comparing these interventions to standard treatments, looking into the synergistic effects of combination therapy, tracking the rise of antibiotic resistance, and assessing the overall outcomes of clinical trials. Lastly, the abstract gives a brief study of the goals of the clinical studies and their potential future contributions to infectious illness treatment. This is achieved by summarizing all the important and numerous facets of the clinical trials that is being considered.


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