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Badole Sarita Madhukar

Dr. Anil Sharma


This study investigates nanocomposites for visible-light photocatalytic destruction of organic pollutants, considering the limitations of UV-only photocatalysts. Researchers are currently concentrating on creating, characterising, and evaluating nanocomposite materials that may degrade organic contaminants by visible-light photocatalysis. Nanocomposites are all the rage in the world of photocatalysis due to their large surface area, improved charge carrier separation efficiency, and greater light absorption. The precipitation-deposition method can be used to synthesise PbS/MoS2 nanocomposite in molar ratios of 0.5, 1, and 1.5 percent. The resulting material can then be characterised using a number of instrumental techniques. By watching how the methylene blue dye degrades, we can track the photocatalytic activity. We will study how pH & catalyst dosage, among other operational parameters, impact photocatalytic activity.


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