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Naveen Kashyap

Dr. B. V. Padamvar


This paper provides a thorough investigation into the utilisation of differential difference equations (DDEs) for the purposes of trajectory planning and control in the context of differential drive four-wheeled robots. The inclusion of sensor and control delays is crucial when developing navigation strategies that are both resilient and efficient for robots functioning in dynamic environments. Differential delay equations (DDEs) provide a robust mathematical framework for representing the dynamics of such systems, facilitating precise and reliable path tracking. In order to demonstrate the versatility and practicality of Delay Differential Equations (DDEs), we investigate three distinct scenarios: straight-line path tracking, circular path tracking, and path planning with obstacle avoidance. These scenarios serve as demonstrations of how Delay Differential Equations (DDEs) facilitate the robot's ability to adjust its motion by utilising previous information, thereby ensuring a trajectory tracking process that is both smooth and stable. The trajectory plots provide a visual representation of the robot's path and effectively illustrate the successful completion of various navigation objectives. This study highlights the importance of dynamic differential equations (DDEs) in the advancement of intelligent and adaptable robotic systems, thereby paving the way for future progress in the realm of robotics and autonomous systems.


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