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Krishna Kant Tiwari

Dr. Qaim Mehdi Rizbi


The data mining method relies heavily on data pre-processing. The data cleansing methods that work for some types of data may not work for others. Extensive experiments are conducted to analyze & assess a newly constructed method for attribute selection. The data cleaning processes involve reducing the amount of attributes to deal with noisy data & duplicate data. The experimental findings demonstrate that it is an extremely efficient and straightforward method for attribute selection by significantly reducing the attributes. Efficiently reducing the time required for subsequent data cleaning processes, such as token synthesis, record similarity, & deletion, is the primary goal of attribute selection for data cleaning. Smart tokens for data cleansing are formed using the token generation algorithm, which is appropriate for data that consists of numeric, alphabetic, & non-numerical elements. Duplicate data can be efficiently removed using token-based data cleaning. Attribute selection & token-based technique will both shorten the time required.


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