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Vivek Kumar Shukla

Dr. Qaim Mehdi Rizbi


Cloud computing is a group of distributed computing resources that may run any application. MCC is the result of merging the cloud environment with mobile devices. computational offloading is carried out on the cloud in order to save the processing capacity of handheld devices. There will be a rise in computing as the number of sensors used increases, necessitating greater data analysis. Another problem with mobile environments is the power drain on batteries. One solution is to move the work to a remote location where it can be more efficiently executed. In this off-site setting, you'll find powerful cloud servers with plenty of processing capacity. One way that dense mobile apps were able to move their work to the cloud is through computational offload. why it's important to provide a proper explanation of the time constraint in wireless & distant environments, and how reaction time affects offloading for mobile devices & remote servers.


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