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Anilumar Shimpi

Dr. Ashok Datir

Dr. P. M. Nawalade


India, being a developing nation, need efficient strategies to mitigate air pollution in order to prevent premature deaths of numerous individuals. Air quality models not only give data on the concentrations of air pollution, but also offer valuable knowledge about its sources. Prior research on air quality modelling conducted in India at the local and regional levels. This present study aims to evaluate the comprehensive grasp of the existing gaps and to explore potential future possibilities. The meticulously recorded studies conducted in various regions of India during the previous decade, employing systematic searches on various databases like Google Scholar and Google. The majority of air quality research mostly centers on megacities, disregarding the smaller cities that also require substantial attention in the future. There were very few research that were primarily focused on the central area of India, even though the majority of modelling studies were conducted in that region. Upon reviewing both local and regional numerical models, it became evident that there is a requirement for improved emission inputs. Furthermore, the statistical models have shown that it is important to meticulously choose key indicators in order to achieve precise source identification. Regardless of the emission inventory and models employed, Delhi consistently has significant underestimation of particulate matter concentrations, exacerbating its severe air pollution problems. The primary contributors to particulate matter in India are dust and emissions from transportation.


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