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Archana K.

Dr. Sudesh Kumar


In the manufacturing industry, statistical process control, often known as SPC, is a strong instrument that can improve both the quality of the product and the efficiency of the process. It comprises the utilization of statistical approaches for the purpose of monitoring and controlling a process in order to guarantee that it functions effectively and generates products that are of a consistently high grade. The statistical process control (SPC) method enables producers to identify variances, trends, and irregularities that may have an impact on product quality. This is accomplished by collecting and analyzing data from the production process. It is possible for manufacturers to discover and rectify problems in real time with the assistance of statistical process control (SPC), which is accomplished through the utilization of control charts, process capability analysis, and other statistical approaches. This results in decreased waste, greater productivity, and increased customer satisfaction. This article examines the fundamentals of statistical process control (SPC), as well as its application in manufacturing environments and the advantages it offers in terms of improving both product quality and process performance.


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