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Priyanka S. Rane

Dr. Uruj Jaleel


Knowledge in the medical field is often expressed by distinct and subjective norms. Much research and development efforts have focused on using deep learning algorithms to predict the likelihood of illnesses from EHR in recent years. When it comes to risk prediction, deep learning-based techniques outperform more conventional machine learning models. But nothing in the literature fully accounts for what doctors already know, such as the connections between illnesses and their risk factors. This research examines the use of Multi-layer Perceptron models for the categorisation of diagnoses in electronic health records. The raw data and a modified version of the EHR dataset are used to train two MLPs with distinct topologies. For comparative purposes, a Random Forest is used as a baseline. To phenotype patients using their electronic health records, we provide a deep learning method. Predictive modelling of chronic illnesses is the particular scenario used to verify the suggested model on a real-world EHR data warehouse. Many deep learning applications on EHRs have been effective, and there is still a lot of potential to be realised. It has been discovered that deep learning models can learn from the limited EHR dataset, but not to a level where they outperform the baseline model.


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