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Pragya Tiwari

Dr. Sitakant Mishra


The importance of doing research on the effects of water scarcity on plant health and productivity cannot be overstated, particularly in light of the effects of climate change and the rising urgency of water scarcity. Calculating the ways in which water scarcity influences the morphological and biochemical features of plants is the objective of this research. Protein concentrations, antioxidant activity, and chlorophyll content are examples of biochemical parameters, while plant height, leaf area, and root length are examples of morphological criteria. Furthermore, the length of the roots is an example of a root.

We were able to see significant changes in the morphological and biochemical properties of the plants by conducting experiments that were carefully controlled and administered with varying degrees of water availability. Water scarcity is a direct factor that affects plant growth, as seen by reduced plant height, reduced leaf area, and shorter root length. In terms of biochemistry, we saw a decrease in the contents of chlorophyll and protein, both of which are essential for the process of photosynthesis and for the overall health of plants. On the other side, antioxidant activity increased, which is indicative of a stress response mechanism that is being used to cope with the lack of water.

The findings highlight the critical need of implementing sustainable water management methods in order to achieve the goal of preserving the resilience of plants and the productivity of agricultural production in the face of water scarcity. This research provides valuable insights into the physiological changes that plants go through when they are subjected to water stress. These findings have the potential to open up new routes for the creation of plant varieties that are resistant to drought.


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