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Santosh Kumar

Dr. M. Z. Shahzada


The study deals with “Thermodynamics of polymer solutions and theory of static light scattering polymer Gels.” The research interests include “thermodynamics of polymer solutions and static light scattering theory of polymer gels”, there are many types of changes in physical gels (our model is gelatin gel) and the relationships they follow. We solved the problem of the formation of spikes in gelatin gels. All these are studied by different experiments such as Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Static Light Scattering (SLS), Dielectric Relaxation Measurements, Optical Rotametry, Viscometer, Density determination, refractive index measurement and conductivity measurement. We propose another theory for quantitative analysis in order to obtain parameters such as polydispersity, weight average molecular weight, Mark-Howick index and other properties of molecular weight polymers from DLS data. Polymers have always been considered a strong area by chemists, especially organic chemists, but recently (in the last few years) it has become more of a collaborative effort rather than a discipline-specific fir It is a mix of chemists, physicists, biologists, etc.


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