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Rajesh Kumar Patel

Dr. Anubha Joshi


Traditional healers are essential in preserving and conveying indigenous knowledge on medicinal herbs within tribal groups. This research examines the importance of traditional healers in preserving medicinal plant knowledge, emphasizing their function as cultural guardians and healthcare practitioners in isolated tribal regions. The study examines the methods by which these healers get, apply, and transmit their expertise, often via oral traditions, therefore addressing the healthcare requirements of the community and promoting biodiversity conservation. The research examines case studies from specific tribal communities, emphasizing the obstacles faced by these healers, such as the decline of traditional practices resulting from modernity and deforestation. It also analyzes the incorporation of this knowledge into official healthcare systems and the prospects for sustainable use of therapeutic plants. The report continues by emphasizing the need of recording and safeguarding traditional medical knowledge to guarantee its preservation and ongoing advantages for tribe and broader populations in the future.


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