Study of Relationship between Intense Geomagnetic Storms and Halo CME in Solar Cycle 23 and 24
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The SOHO/LASCO sensor recorded 53 rapid Earth-directed halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from January 2009 to September 2015. According to the statistics, solar flares and CMEs during solar cycle 23 were stronger than during solar cycle 24. An X-class flare's halo coronal mass ejection is one of the solar system's most intense events because of its size, velocity, and strong geomagnetic storms. A total of 86 X-class CMEs were evaluated, with 43% rated as very geoeffective, 28% as moderately so, and 29% as less so. The percentage of storms with geoeffective Ness ranged from 71% in 1996 to 29% in 2019. In cycle 23, there were 78% geoeffective storms; in cycle 24, that number dropped to 56%. Due to the lack of information on the speed of the CME that occurred on December 6, 2006, the study focused on 85 halo CMEs associated with X-class flares. The study found that all types of halo CMEs contribute to the disruption of the Earth's magnetic field, and that 42.18 percent of all CMEs with velocity more than 1000 km/s may cause substantial geomagnetic disturbances.
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