Nonlinear Dynamics of Electron Pitch Angle Scattering in the Earth's Magnetosphere: A Study of Whistler-Mode Wave Interaction under Varying Plasma Conditions
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As a result of resonant interactions with the magnetosphere, electron pitch angle scattering the whistler-mode waves is important for the dynamics of energetic electrons and for the space weather effects. The complex behavior of such interactions as a function of plasma state, using analytical theories and computer simulations. The analysis of the results shows that plasma density, wave amplitude, and the changes in the geomagnetic field play a crucial role in the rates of electron scattering and precipitation. Thus, the main focus of the research is made on the transition between linear and nonlinear regimes with reference to the loss of energetic electrons. This work helps to advance the knowledge of magnetospheric dynamics and has implications for satellite protection, radiation belt evolution, and space weather prediction. The results fill the gaps in existing models and serve as a basis for subsequent research in plasma physics and magnetospheric science.
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