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Jasraj Singh Solanki


Agriculturehas remained the backbone of Haryana and remains the primary activity and mainlivelihood source for the rural population in the state. Besides, agricultureprovides raw material for a large number of industries. Agriculture in thestate is characterized by wide crop diversification. The extent of arid land inHaryana being second only to Rajasthan in the country, agriculture is highlydependent on the vagaries of the southwest monsoon. Out of the net area sown,only 30 % is irrigated. The most important challenge of agriculture is foodsecurity, besides improving the livelihood of the farmer. Haryana has attainedself-sufficiency in food grain, but still continues to be deficit in theproduction of rice. During 2010-11 food grains production is increased at anenormous rate of more than 14 % over the last year production. The productionis likely to increase from 110 lakh tones in 2010-11 to 126 lakh tonnes duringthe current year (FAO, 2011).


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