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Sreedhar Mayavan

Dr. Kanachana Chinnappan

Dr. Sai Shalini


There have been a number of studies evaluating the association of aneuploidy serum markers with adverse pregnancy outcome. Pregnancy is a time of great anticipation and anxiety for parents, but some parents are more Apprehensive that their baby may be born with a severe physical or mental disability. In fact, about one in forty babies could suffer from a congenital abnormality. Abnormalities can range from something now correctable, like a cleft lip. To something severely disabling like congenital Heart disease. Recent advances in medicine make it possible to give pregnant women a lot of Information about their babies before birth. For majority of parents to be, prenatal testing (PNT) provides reassurance; for a minority the test results may indicate a problem with the Baby’s growth or development. As a result, studies which evaluate the association of biomarkers with a broad definition of a given condition may underestimate the ability of such markers to identify pregnancies that are destined to develop the more severe form of the condition.


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